Art Journal Prompt: No Judgement Page

Open your art journal to the next blank page and declare it a Judgement Free Zone. COMMIT to the path of non-judgement.

I find it helpful to start with one of the following:

  • Close your eyes and draw a continuous line with a smooth pen
  • Grab your favorite brush and start making brush-prints in your favorite color
  • Wet the page and drop in watercolor or inks randomly

Don’t start assessing the results of this first pass. Look it over and lean into what you feel should happen next. That might be “throw the whole journal away” or “I hate everything”, but I encourage you to file that away under “Information I’m Disregarding At This Time.”

Try focusing on what color you want to see next to the ones you have. Not “what color would look great here?” but just “what color do I want to put here?”

Add layers to add complexity. Try filling in a block of color with some repeated doodles or marks.

The only goal here is to be able to play freely with no rules and no judgement. Drop the Inner Critic off at the petting zoo. Try not to plan or erase if you can stand it. 😉 Engage in some full-on-spontaneous playtime.